We are a fellowship of believers who gather for the purpose of worshipping God, obeying the command to love Him with all our heart, mind, and strength. We gather to also express that same love to each other in every season of life and through all of life’s troubles. We are a family created for the purpose of bringing glory to God through our surrendered lives of love. It is in the loving of God and each other that we demonstrate that we know God. Its in the loving of one another and suffering with one another that we reveal Christ to the world around us. Its through loving even our enemies that we actually overcome the world and shine as lights in darkness.
We gather to worship, to explore God’s Word, to minister to each other, to share a meal, and the opportunity to love each other weekly. We do this for the purpose of making disciples as commanded by Jesus. If you are interested in gathering with us, please contact Michael or Weyman for directions.
Michael: 203 819-0458
Weyman: 760 975-8862
our pastors:

Weyman Howard
Susan Howard

Michael Amodeo
Lead Pastor
Executive Pastor